Who are we ?

lundi 1er juin 2009.

On January the 30th officially was born in France a new political force, the Parti de Gauche (Left Party, PG).

Republican, socialist, internationalist and open to new forms of commitment originated in the alter globalization, ecologist, and social movements, the Left Party fights capitalism and its neoliberal model, which is leading the world into one of the worst environmental, democratic, social, economic crisis in contemporary history. It breaks with the social-liberal and euro liberal orientations that rule the whole of the components of European social-democracy.

Our party refuses the social-liberal orientations of social-democracy, in particular while they leads to failure everywhere, in Germany, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain as well as in Latin America, in Asia, and within the European institutions, just like the European Parliament. They ratify the neoliberal and pro American Europe of the Treaty of Lisbon, alliances towards the centre, abstention in front of the right wing, current social regressions, the undermining of public services, and refuse to challenge capitalism and its more vicious effects, |of which people suffer consequences, in particular through the irreparable deterioration of our environment.

Thus, while promoting and defending left wing republican ideas has been gradually abandoned by the French Socialist Party, converted to co-managing the European liberalism, numerous male and female activists from the Socialist Party and elsewhere on the left wing, decided to propose creating a new left Party, a melting pot party, learning from all traditions and the whole history of the left wings, and above all a popular party willing to be a tool in the hands of the sovereign people and called to rule for general interest.

Though it’s new, the Left Party feeds on political cultures originated from historical socialism, from the history of labor and union struggles and of popular uprisings, from the contribution of the feminist, antiracist, environmentalist, secular and alter globalization struggles. But it is above all a Party looking forward to the future, conscious of the necessity to recreate within the left wing.

We wish to publicly support our conception of the socialist, republican and internationalist struggle, without making concessions to the right wing, capitalism and to their destroying irresponsibility with reference to human society and the ecosystem. We wish to propose it to universal suffrage ; As Oskar Lafontaine has shown it to us in Germany with Die Link, we want to initiate, with all men and women sharing those orientations, the construction of this new party which will pay attention to political innovations in the world, in particular in Latin America and rely upon a dynamic analysis of the relationship between social movements and political forces.

We want the Left Party to be a unitary party. We have the ambition to be a hyphen at the service of constituting a front of all the left wing forces, on a clear line of refusal of the Treaty Of Lisbon and of construction of a new Europe.

We will be a voice which will defend, on the international level, another conception of the relationship between people and nations in order to build a multi centered world. A voice that will reject the dead ends of the World Trade Organization, of the International Monetary Fund, of the free trade agreements and will prepare the concerted adaptation of our societies to the energetic and environmental shocks to come, while rejecting the submission of people to armed conflicts. A voice which will have a other priorities for the world : respecting the norms of the International Labor Organization, fighting against diseases forgotten by the pharmaceutical multinationals, against illiteracy, or general mobilization for a true agrarian reform and another agriculture, without GMO nor pesticides, and food auto sufficiency oriented.

We also want the Left Party to be, with others, a ruling party able, through a democratic revolution, to pull society at the service of a project supported by a majority to change life with the only concern of general interest instead of the one of some privileged people in our country and in Europe. The Left Party proposes Social Republic as based on popular sovereignty. It promotes an environmental policy based on another environmental, social economic model, opposed to the productivist model.

Contacts :

Jean-Luc Mélenchon (President Of the National Bureau)

jl.melenchon@senat.frCette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.

Raquel Garrido (National Foreign Affairs Secretary)

Raquel.g@noos.frCette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. / Tel : + 33 663387068

Christophe Ventura (President Of the Foreign Affairs Commission)

Christophe.Ventura@gmail.comCette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir. -

Tél. : +33 676052331


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